Sunday 29 December 2013

Darkness in the Daylight

Darkness in the Daylight
Hindi feature film "Darkness In The Daylight" is on child sexual abuse which is a burning social issue in India. The story tells about it's adverse affect on the physical and psychological health of the abused child. We all are responsible for creating a society which is safe for children and women. Sexual abuse can be prevented with awareness and education. The film also shows how unsafe sex can expose to deadly diseases. 

According to UNICEF violence against children can be "physical and mental abuse and injury, neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation and sexual abuse. Violence may take place in homes, schools, orphanages, residential care facilities, on the streets, in the workplace, in prisons and in places of detention." Child Abuse Child Violence in India Such violence can affect the normal development of a child impairing their mental, physical and social being. In extreme cases abuse of a child can result in death. Child abuse has many forms: physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, and exploitation. Any of these that are potentially or actually harmful to a child's health, survival, dignity and development are abuse. This definition is derived from the W.H.O. 

According to UNICEF & W.H.O. definations child sexual abuse is engaging a child in any sexual activity that he/she does not understand or cannot give informed consent for or is not physically, mentally or emotionally prepared for. Abuse can be conducted by an adult or another child who is developmentally superior to the victim. This includes using a child for pornography, sexual materials, prostitution and unlawful sexual practises which are very harmful to a child's health, survival, dignity and normal development.

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